Ellie DiBerardino is a writer and interactive experience designer (think video games meet immersive theater) with a background in music, film, and math.

With a highly collaborative directorial style and an unrelenting attention to detail, she is uniquely able to execute on complex creative visions that often ask audiences to reexamine their fundamental belief systems. She draws inspiration from psychological experiments, logical paradoxes, musical theater, and potatoes.

Her prior career has run the gamut, from advertising strategy to statistics education — anything that lets her flex both sides of her brain and imbue her work with personality and flair.

She has worked with artists from Reggie Watts to Gaelynn Lea, and with companies from Frito Lay to Intel. Her work has been nominated for a PGA Innovation Award and written up in the San Francisco Chronicle.

Ellie is based in San Francisco, with frequent stints in Los Angeles and a secret location in the rural Maine woods.